United States Driving License Exam

Study the traffic manual and practice answering the questions in our free application. Everything you need to know to pass your driving test and get your license.

United States Driving License Exam

To obtain the National Driver's License for the first time, you must show that you are fit to drive. To do this, you must take and pass the driving test in your city.

If you want to pass the driving test without failing, you should know about:

  • Driving laws and rules

Driving rules are the rules that regulate the traffic or circulation of vehicles.

In addition to determining the meaning of traffic signs, traffic lights, and other types of road signs (road markings on the pavement, action by traffic officers, etc.), they mark the principles by which circulation is established (such as the priority of passage, lighting, passage, dimensions, or other conditions in which each type of vehicle may or may not circulate on each type of road, etc.).

If you want to study and review you can download the Driver's License app.

  • Road signs

Road signs have the function of organizing traffic by alerting or informing the driver about the traffic in the place where they are located. Learning the signs and their correct interpretation is essential to prevent accidents and handle yourself properly.

You can study and review for FREE in our USA Driver's License app. There you will find questions and answers about traffic signs, driving laws and rules, and examples so that you learn how to act in certain cases.

In addition, you can know all the road signs and their meaning and study the rules in the Driver’s Handbook. Choose the State and download the Handbook for free.

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